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In the book of Second Samuel, chapter 22, David has come to the end of his life and is reflecting on it through song and poetry. David was an incredible figure. A creative and a warrior. As he thinks about his life, he remembers, quite honestly, how bad it was...
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Is there no hope?

We need to know there is something to look forward to. There is something better. There is a real hope. I recall as if it were yesterday; the New Testament professor I had in college telling us the background and context of Paul’s use of the Greek word ελπίδα...
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Do you see the forest?

Happy Friday! To wrap our week exploring radical togetherness, a short parable: The pine branches creaked with the gusts of wind, the sound reverberating through the trees. It made me wonder if some might crack and twist and fall to the ground. The two onlookers...
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God in the Other

Here’s the truth about radical togetherness: it’s hard. We humans have spent hundreds, even thousands of years perfecting the practice of dividing ourselves. Some feel that 2016 was the apex of this evolutionary trait, though it seems we are outdoing...
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Action Wednesday – get to know someone

We will never live in radical togetherness until we take the time to truly know those who are not like us. Today is #ActionWednesday here at the American Awakening and we’re making it really simple, but, we hope, profound. Take a few minutes right now to identify...
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