Available for order now! American Awakening: 8 Principles to Restore the Soul of America.     
burning fire, needed fruit

burning fire, needed fruit

There was a time in the history of the relationship between the God of the universe and us humans that God was accessible through very limited and specific means. We read a lot about it in the Old Testament. Priests, special ceremonies, special places, burning...
burning fire, needed fruit

I’m tired of words

I’m so tired of words. Our inboxes and social media feeds are full of them. Our phones and tv screens are drowning in talking heads. And yet, so little seems to change. Oh God,  “teach us to number our days aright, That we may gain a heart of wisdom.”   “May your...
burning fire, needed fruit


When you speak truth that flies in the face of the narrative of the powerful and in-charge, it will cost you. History is full of these stories. It’s critical for us to think deeply right now about what we’re standing for and when we take heat and are pressured, to not...
burning fire, needed fruit

faithfulness, long and short

A constant theme in the Psalms, and in the Bible in general, is God’s faithfulness. That he doesn’t leave us ultimately alone and hopeless and will be there for us, even when we are not faithful to him.    One such set of lines comes from Psalm 89: “My faithful...
burning fire, needed fruit

you don’t always have to win

Jesus was a real loser. At least that’s how a lot of folks in power would have seen him. He never conquered even one city, told his followers to “turn the other cheek,” hung out with the powerless, outcast and hated, and willingly gave up his own life when he...
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