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when prayer is hard

when prayer is hard

There are times in our lives when we ache to believe, and yet it feels just beyond our grasp. We long to know God, to know His presence and peace – and yet it is elusive. This causes deeper doubts – wondering if there is a God. It leaves us feeling empty,...
when prayer is hard

prayer like bullets

A cartridge of ammunition that is fired from a gun is sometimes mistakenly referred to as “a bullet.” Yet the bullet is the part of the cartridge that achieves the goal – traveling through the air toward its target. I’d like to propose that prayer is much like a...
when prayer is hard

thank you God

As we begin another week, I’m drawn to prayer. So this week we’ll explore prayer together. What is it? What does it mean? Does it matter? Why should we pray? What happens when we do?   I come at it from my perspective, and you from yours. One thing I’ve learned...
when prayer is hard

can’t sleep

A number of my black brothers and sisters have told me in the past few weeks that they’ve had trouble sleeping. Many of us are afflicted by this at times of distress, sorrow, or anxiety. But I don’t ever recall friends being so afflicted, or sharing it so openly. ...
when prayer is hard

me first?

I’ve been pondering a lot lately what it means to “seek first the Kingdom of God.” Jesus calls his followers to do this in the book of Matthew in the Bible. Even if you don’t believe in Jesus or practice any faith at all, this question is intriguing, so stick with me...
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