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supernatural kindness

supernatural kindness

God gives us the type of kindness that we don’t deserve. The Bible could not be more clear about this. Here’s how Eugene Peterson frames it – his Message version of Titus 3:4-7: “It wasn’t so long ago that we ourselves were stupid and stubborn, dupes...
supernatural kindness

talking with your mouth full

Talking with your mouth full is gross. At least for the person watching it. You see half chewed food crumbling around in the person’s mouth and tumbling onto the table. Plus you can’t always understand them and you’re distracted by the whole...
supernatural kindness


My wife has superpowers. She can, with a word, phrase or even a look, completely change my mood. I can be having a great day and then we have a two minute interaction that doesn’t go well and my great day is derailed. Ok, so maybe it’s not a superpower....
supernatural kindness

our love is never enough

Am I patient? Am I kind? Do I envy or boast? Am I arrogant, rude, self-seeking, irritable? Do I keep a record of wrongs? In the Bible, Paul says these are some ways to evaluate if we’re truly loving. If I’m honest, I fail the “test” of this...
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