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embrace your season

embrace your season

Perhaps the most famous words ever written about seasons are the following from the book of Ecclesiastes, in chapter 3: There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time...
embrace your season

real freedom is possible

There is an ancient idea in Judaism and Christianity usually referred to as “the cycle of sin.” The basic premise is that the people of God have followed the same cycle for all of time. It goes like this:   We know what God requires for flourishing, and we follow...
embrace your season

breaking cycles

Jonathan McReynolds has a great song called Cycles that sings openly and honestly about the cycles in our lives that trap us. He begins: Didn’t I conquer this last year? Tell me what I missed ’cause I fear That it’s coming back up again Jonathan...
embrace your season

emotional unrest

As a nation, we are in a time of great emotional unrest. Covid-19 has most people on edge in some way. Continued racial reckoning is difficult, painful and real. And we are more tribalized and divided, primarily because of social media and politics, than we have been...
embrace your season

seasons & cycles

There’s a lot of talk in Christian circles about seasons. It’s become a bit of a buzz word. But why is that? This week, I want to look a little deeper, together, at the seasons and cycles of our lives, cultures, and the people of God.  It’s actually very easy to be in...
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