On Fridays we explore a little bit of our upcoming book, written by our founder John Kingston (pre-order it below!) This week we’re looking at what we’re losing as our world becomes more digital, and why it might be wise to push back.
Particularly if we follow Jesus, incarnation and embodied relationship are central to our worldview. Why, then, would think that it’s not only ok but preferable to engage largely online at the expense of human interaction? Of course, I get the COVID challenges – but even they have ample work-arounds for most. Are we thinking critically about the ways in which a deeply digital life is affecting our souls? Here’s a thought-provoking excerpt from the book:
“We live in a driven, digital world where the full value of human connection is often traded for transactional proficiency,” asserts Carnegie and Associates.” Many have mastered the ironic art of increasing touch points while simultaneously losing touch.
It’s easy to see how misinterpretation, frustration, and anger has risen. We’ve largely removed the core ingredients of understanding, empathy, and collaboration from our conversations.”
Namely: face-to-face, real, authentic relationships. If the God of the universe chose to become a man, take on flesh and dwell among us – in all his infinite power – it seems to me we should be carefully noting why that is. What if there is a special kind of magic in presence? What if that matters a whole lot for each of us too?
This weekend, spend some real, conversational time with a friend or family member and look for the ways God shows up. He’s there, in the space between us, knitting us together, if only we’ll let him. And it’s way healthier than facebook.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Joel
Joel Searby