Available for order now! American Awakening: 8 Principles to Restore the Soul of America.     

fixate, not fix

“In all your efforts to keep from sinning, what are you focusing on? Sin. God wants you to focus on him. To be with him. “Abide in me.” Just relax and learn to enjoy his presence.” – John Ortberg in Soul Keeping

John 15 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. Jesus vividly invites us to stay close to him. Close enough to be physically connected at all times. Like branches on a vine. In fact, he says, that’s the only way we bear good fruit in our lives.

There’s so much focus on the bad fruit these days. It’s impossible not to see it all around us and, if we’re humble, in ourselves. But while Jesus certainly took time to call out the bad fruit when necessary, his call for our lives is not to fix our bad fruit. There’s no fixing it. Instead, he invites us to abide in him. To fixate on him. And in so doing, we will find ourselves bearing good fruit.

So take heart in your struggles, turn your eyes to him and rest. Fixate, don’t fix. He will do the good work.

Grace and Peace,

Pastor Joel


Joel Searby

A healthy and united America is truly possible… and it starts with us. John Kingston draws on wisdom from history, science, faith and culture, along with his own experiences, to offer eight principles for discovering purpose, meaning and true community.

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