“Praise the Lord…for great is His love for us and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.” – From Psalm 117
On this Friday as we ebb and flow into a weekend, may we ask God to help us see. To be aware. To learn. To be shaped:
God, we’re desperate for you. We cannot “figure it out” on our own and we don’t want to. Show us your path for us. Remind us that you already have. Help us to see and accept your path or correct us if we’re wrong. Let it not be our will but yours. Show us what following Jesus in real ways looks like. What does it mean to “take up our cross daily?” To die to ourselves? To live as a “disciple?” God, what does that mean today – to live as one who follows Jesus? Teach us anew.
Show us the purest forms of pursuing you, stripped of all vain religion and cultural baggage. Show us how Jesus touches the deepest parts of our soul and being and transforms us to something new. We are so in touch with all the broken places in ourselves. Redeem them. Root them out. Make us new. Yet would you use the raw materials of who we are created to be and all we’ve experienced. Shape us to love you, love others and quietly impact the world, even if in small ways that matter only to you.
And through it all, we declare our trust in you. In your faithfulness. Above all else, in your great love for us, which endures forever. Amen.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Joel

Joel Searby