“If I think I need three hours of Jesus, I probably need more.”
My friend Natasha said this to me last night in reference to how we’re all navigating this time, especially on matters of race. She, a black woman, has been carrying the heavy weight of complicated relationships, a desire to love people and love God, and decades of racial tension and injustice. I was so challenged by her words. They reminded me of a famous Martin Luther quote:
“I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”
And so I wonder if I might challenge us to consider that what we need most right now is not more words in books or posts on social media or talking heads on tv – but more abiding in the presence of the One and only Godhead – Father, Son, Spirit – that we may bear the good fruit only He can bear in us. If you’ve never sat in prayer and listening and seeking God for more than a few minutes, or if it’s been a while, today would be a good day for a few hours with God.
Lord, we repent for all the ways we try to fix things, rushing headlong into our “solutions” and “fights” without once setting foot in your presence. We pause, and bow. Let us sit at your feet and listen.
Grace and Peace,
Pastor Joel