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fixate, not fix

"In all your efforts to keep from sinning, what are you focusing on? Sin....

real pain, real joy

In one of the greatest modern works of discipleship, A Long Obedience in...

mystery journey

"Christ in you, the hope of glory." The apostle Paul uses this phrase in...


“My soul thirsts for you…” “My soul will be satisfied…” “My soul clings...

what’s a heart?

There is a place within us called “the heart.” Jesus and the Psalmists...

are we one?

Our culture prizes individualism, self-identity, uniqueness, personal...

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“Jeremiah Buys a Field.” The header for Jeremiah chapter 32 in my bible...

culture wars?

God often seems to raise up prophetic, truth-telling voices in difficult...

call me back

This week I’m going to take us into the world of the prophetic. Wait,...

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